Cancel an order
You can cancel an order for a full refund without any additional fees before a shopper begins shopping. You can’t cancel custom orders like meal combos, catering orders, bundled holiday meals, cakes, deli sandwiches, and other deli items (ex. sliced meat and cheese) if it’s within the 24-48 hour window, depending on the retailer.
On the app—
- Go to Orders.
- Select the order you want to cancel.
- Tap Help at the top of the order page.
- Select Cancel order.
- Select a reason for canceling then tap Save.
On the website—
- Go to Your orders.
- Click View order detail on the order.
- Click Need help with something?
- Click Cancel order
- Select a reason for canceling then Submit
If you cancel an order during the shopping or delivery process, you may be charged a cancellation fee. To cancel after shopping begins, reach out by selecting Get help at the bottom of any article in the Help Center.
Reschedule an order
You can change your delivery date and time up until a shopper begins working on your order. You can’t reschedule custom orders like meal combos, catering orders, bundled holiday meals, cakes, deli sandwiches, and other deli items (ex. sliced meat and cheese) if it’s within the 24-48 hour window, depending on the retailer.
On the app—
- Tap Orders.
- Select the order you want to reschedule.
- Tap Help at the top of the order page.
- Select Reschedule.
- Select a new date/time then tap Reschedule.
On the website—
- Click Your Orders.
- Click View order detail on the order.
- Click Need help with something?
- Click Reschedule.
- Select a new date/time and Save changes.